I've subscribed to this life-weather forecast something and I would like to share this with everyone! :)
Dear Meilene,
It's mid-winter, and that means the flu and cold season is in full swing. While we may do our best to avoid catching a cold, there will inevitably be times when we begin to feel that familiar tickle in our throat, the dull headache and the stuffy nose that herald the onset of a cold. The best advice for getting over a cold is to take really good care of yourself as soon as you realize you are coming down with one.
Meilene, here is how you do that! The first thing is to get lots of rest. In fact, this is the most important thing you can do for your body whenever you are ill. The body needs rest to fight off invading viruses and repair the body. When you are sick, try to get at least 9 or 10 hours of rest each day. And even if for some reason you have to go to work, you will feel better and function better if you get plenty of sleep beforehand.
The next important step for fighting a cold is hydration, Meilene. Fluids, preferably water, help your body fight infection and clear away toxins. Orange juice, broth and decaffeinated herbal teas are also good hydration suggestions for countering colds. Sipping on something all day long is key to keeping your hydration levels up.
Eating well is also important, and it is one of the most ignored aspects of self-care once people get sick. Light meals with vegetables and healthy proteins are good for strengthening the body. Chicken soup is an option that many swear by for the common cold. When you add a healthy appropriate diet to your rest and increased fluids, you will be taking the optimal steps to get your body back on its feet.
Meilene, if you do happen to fall sick with a cold this winter, give my suggestions a try and I think you will most likely feel better faster. In the meantime, getting rest and eating in a healthy way on a regular basis may help you keep colds at bay this winter.
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