Here's a quote that I would like to share about "Being Yourself". Just like my previous post, "Love yourself", right now I would like to repeat the idea of Loving and Being Yourself... :)
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
Who you are is something you should be proud of! Each one of us were created by God uniquely. Each one of us has our own differences and we should be happy about it. Yes, there would be similarities but each of us are totally a different person!
My mom used to tell me before, when people smiles at you, it means that they see who you really are. But when you them frowning then it means something is not good about you! These are simple gestures that most people do in order to know the person or communicate with the person in front of them. True that when people is happy about what show them then of course they would smile at you. When some people see something awful about you, for sure they wouldn't be happy and would just frown.
What do I like about me? (You should know who you are)
1) I am my parent's daughter - I am proud that my parents were always supportive, loving and understanding.
2) I am a hardworking wife and mother - I work hard to save for my family's future. I don't ask money, I work for every cents.! :) I love this trait of mine and proud of my ability to find good work and being thrifty! :) I know I am workaholic but I always find time to be with my hubby and daughter,.. Besides, this is for all of US!
3) I love butterfly - I know a lot of people loves butterfly and I am not the only one! :) but since I was a kid, I always loved butterfly. Not only that I that, I thank God for giving me a butterfly birth mark found on my forehead. Isn't it nice? LOL!
4) I love to collect stuff - bratz dolls, stuff toys, tazmanians, elmos, butterflies, barbies, shoes, boots, bags, perfumes and a lot more. I cherish every little thing that I have!
5) I love being a Happy - Person! - I smile and I always start my day with a smile. Smiling is even the best make up or cover up when you are sad. I would rather hide my sadness or pain to other people than make them see I am sad and affect them in some ways. I would rather hold and keep my own problems than worry more people of my personal issues. :) Although, I share some to my closest friends, best friends, mother, hubby, and well of course, telling God all my burdens and pains through Prayer. They are my strength and they are always there for me! They are also the ones that make me smile and happy every DAY!
6) Love - I am so blessed with LOVE and Happiness. God is so good for giving the People I know right now! All of them. For my family, friends, colleagues, bosses, and even classmates during my school days. All of them were treasured, all of them makes me THE ENTIRE ME right now!
and more... I just love WHO I AM!
How about you? What do you love about yourself? How much do you know yourself?
You don't have to act or pretend being someone else, Just be yourself! You can make people happy with the simple YOU! You don't have to change yourself because of other people, as long as you continue to be YOU, then you are on the right track... Please read the last quote below that I want to emphasize the importance of BEING YOURSELF!
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
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