Words to live by: "One word frees us from the weight and pain of life; that word is love." --Sophocles
I got this email early this morning telling us how to develop "Self Satisfaction" and teaching us how to love OURSELVES!
I believe that this should be something that we should all contemplate or take into consideration:
1. "You are good." 2. "You are wanted." 3. "You are loved for yourself." 4. "You are seen for who you are." 5. "Your needs are not a problem." 6. "You are safe." 7. "You will be taken care of." 8. "You will not be betrayed." 9. "Your presence matters."
10. "You are happy because you are, who you are."
There might be people who wanted to hear and feel all these from others before they would really accept themselves fully. Guess what? All these are actually already attained. It doesn't have to be from all people, think of the people who's there with you all these times.. Who already showed you they care and let you feel they loved you!
Corresponding to each number, think of at least one person that you think has already done that to you! I am pretty sure that you will get the perfect 10!
When you love yourself, love yourself wholeheartedly. It is not enough to say " I LOVE MYSELF"! You have to know who you are! You have to be contented of what you have in order to love yourself freely.
Knowing yourself better would start with knowing your strengths and your shortcomings.
No one is perfect so there's no need to worry of competing with others,you don't have to try hard of becoming someone else or even accomplishing something that is beyond your capabilities. You can just be yourself and show everyone who and what you are! You know the best word to describe it? "BE HUMBLE".
Lastly, I want to share this last quote I received:
"Oh the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all right out, just as they are -- chaff and grain together -- certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and with the breath of kindness blow the rest away."
Say these:
I thank _____ for being there me, always, for the love and care! For my family, being supportive and continue to love me for who and what I am. My friends, who are always there to cheer me up when I am down. And most of all.... I thank the Lord above for giving me the strength to overcome all my problems and for helping me understand that everything happens for a reason. I thank Thee for keeping me safe at all time!

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