Thursday, December 15, 2011
A New Gift of Joy
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Believing in Yourself!
" We cannot rise higher than thought of ourselves" - Orison Swett Marden
I never thought that I'd be successful. No one believed in me before! Actually a lot of people way back described me as my parents biggest failure! "Ouch!" but well, it didn't happen.
Why allow people judge you, right? They do not know you, they don't have any idea what your plans are - You hold your own path! You build your own future, your career and everything!
So here's what I did - I made that "negative impression" a REAL motivation to keep myself going! yeah! - you know why? the more they say I'm a failure, disappointmet, the more I'm eager to make myself successful that one day - they'll regret what they have said.. "And where I am now?" Oh well, guess what .. I have my own business, I have my own company, I employ and help people, I support my family.. I don't have to prove them anything.. I just did what I needed to do!
I am actually grateful because they were the ones who pushed me to be at the TOP! Once a disappointment but now someone that my family could be thankful to and proud of! isn't it excellent? Such a good feeling to see your loved ones smile and happy because you have helped them in your OWN WAYS!
So, here's my message for people who usually put or bring themselves down just because people look down on them:
Why would you be affected of other people telling you YOU are not good enough..
Why would you be affected of other people talking about you and your failures in life! All of us have failures so they don't have the right to judge you!
Why would you be affected of other people? Remember, you have your family and they got your back..
Why worry enough about what other people would say! Just believe in your capacity! Do what is right.. Later on, you'll prove them wrong. You don't need to struggle just to show them that they are wrong.. Go on with your life, be successful! Struggle for yourself, for your family for your future!
Make them an inspiration - don't hate them, they'll just hate themselves later!
So here's my last piece of message to share.. :)
"We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit."
-- e. e. cummings
Friday, April 8, 2011
My Perfect Love, My Perfect Summer of 2011, Perfect Achievements!
Sharing your experiences is really fun most especially if you are super excited about it.
"Parents: persons who spend half their time worrying how a child will turn out, and the rest of the time wondering when a child will turn in." -- Ted Cook
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Knowing Who You Really Are!
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
-- Dr. Seuss
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Thank God For The Perfect Family!
Words to live by:
“Those who have children can become masters of patience, endurance, and steadfastness, because children will test you at every turn. …The way to make our children patient and loving is to be that way ourselves.”-- Eknath Easwaran
This picture was taken last December 2010. A great family picture (My hubby, my daughter and me).
This post, I just want to share that it is indeed great to be a wife and most especially being a MOM.
August 2, 2009, I gave birth to a lovely baby girl. She brought happiness and love. She's a precious gift that God gave to me. It is true that being a mother or father, it will make you the master of patience, endurance and steadfastness because your child or children will surely test you in every way.
I was able to bring the WHOLE and BEST of me since the day I became, MOTHER. She made me feel complete because I got to do things I never did before. My baby taught me how to become a better person because I managed to do things on my own like being mature to decide on important things, and a lot more. It wasn't easy, it was even tiring but it was WORTH IT!.. :)
*My hubby and I would take turns to wake up in the middle of the night to change our baby's diaper or feed her with milk.
*My hubby and I were too busy to look for more and more decent jobs to support our financial needs.
*My hubby and I were very careful of our decisions because every decision that we make should be beneficial for the three of us.
There are more things and I may not be able to mention all of them, but believe me, everything that we learned made us, THE BETTER PERSON, THE GOOD PARENTS.
I would like to thank GOD for giving me this perfect Gift! This way HIS way of teaching me how to become a better person. This was HIS way of showing me how beautiful LIFE is and how to appreciate life.
You don't have to hurry of becoming a parent, hence don't have to rush of having a family because the right time will come in the most unexpected moment. Just wait till God decides for you like He did to me.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
God Loves You - Love Yourself!
Words to live by: "One word frees us from the weight and pain of life; that word is love." --Sophocles
I got this email early this morning telling us how to develop "Self Satisfaction" and teaching us how to love OURSELVES!
I believe that this should be something that we should all contemplate or take into consideration:
1. "You are good." 2. "You are wanted." 3. "You are loved for yourself." 4. "You are seen for who you are." 5. "Your needs are not a problem." 6. "You are safe." 7. "You will be taken care of." 8. "You will not be betrayed." 9. "Your presence matters."
10. "You are happy because you are, who you are."
There might be people who wanted to hear and feel all these from others before they would really accept themselves fully. Guess what? All these are actually already attained. It doesn't have to be from all people, think of the people who's there with you all these times.. Who already showed you they care and let you feel they loved you!
Corresponding to each number, think of at least one person that you think has already done that to you! I am pretty sure that you will get the perfect 10!
When you love yourself, love yourself wholeheartedly. It is not enough to say " I LOVE MYSELF"! You have to know who you are! You have to be contented of what you have in order to love yourself freely.
Knowing yourself better would start with knowing your strengths and your shortcomings.
No one is perfect so there's no need to worry of competing with others,you don't have to try hard of becoming someone else or even accomplishing something that is beyond your capabilities. You can just be yourself and show everyone who and what you are! You know the best word to describe it? "BE HUMBLE".
Lastly, I want to share this last quote I received:
"Oh the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all right out, just as they are -- chaff and grain together -- certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and with the breath of kindness blow the rest away."
-- Dinah Mulock
Say these:
I thank _____ for being there me, always, for the love and care! For my family, being supportive and continue to love me for who and what I am. My friends, who are always there to cheer me up when I am down. And most of all.... I thank the Lord above for giving me the strength to overcome all my problems and for helping me understand that everything happens for a reason. I thank Thee for keeping me safe at all time!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011
True Happiness means YOU!

Words to live by:
“Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.” -- Denis Waitley
What is happiness for you?
I never understood happiness before. Until I've read the quote above. We need to understand ourselves in order to understand happiness. Once we find that inner peace, contentment, and joy, WE WILL TRULY BE HAPPY!
People who are asking or wishing for happiness --- it's because they have not discovered those in themselves yet. They still look for something else in the outside world and failed to see what inside of them.
Once a bad girl who never been contented of life. Party-Goer and Drunkard sometimes. Work and spend money by buying expensive things. I thought I was happy before until I realize that the lifestyle I had won't do anything good to me. True happiness would only be discovered if we let go of the negative things that we actually enjoy.
True Happiness will be affected with the way we feel and act or behave. If you won't sincerely search for happiness and force yourself to be blinded with the things that won't really benefit you, you will end up UNHAPPY.
True happiness isn't out there!
So take time to discover the real life's treasure so you would b
e truly happy and this is what I have found in myself.
I married an understanding husband 2 years ago. I gave birth to a sweet baby girl.
Both of them made me feel so happy and contented of my life. I could not ask for more! There's peace in me and I have important things to think of to make my life and family wealthy of love and happiness. I don't have to buy expensive things because I learned how to save money for my family's future.. and THAT explains MY TRUE HAPPINESS.
So, how about you? When will you start searching for the real happiness and peace?
Start looking deep down inside of you!
Here's something I wanted to add by Marshall Goldsmith:
"The great Western disease is, ‘I'll be happy when… When I get the money. When I get a BMW. When I get this job.’ Well, the reality is, you never get to when. The only way to find happiness is to understand that happiness is not out there. It's in here. And happiness is not next week. It's now."
-- Marshall Goldsmith
A very great post to read if you have time:
I found this blog through google search engine and I really found the post interesting about HAPPINESS.
I think you will also find this interesting and exciting!
Meilene Boniba - Bonache
Jumping For Joy - TRUE HAPPINESS!
Monday, February 28, 2011
A Journey of Understanding MONEY!
-- Dan Millman
During the first year of my work, I cried when I had less savings. I had to pay for my electric bills, water bills, had to buy milk for my baby, had to buy diaper, and a lot more. However, someone asked me... (What is your money for?, what's that weeping for?) then, suddenly I realized! I work hard because I had bills to pay, I needed to buy the needs of my baby and everything that is needed in my house!.. then I smiled.. yes, that's right!
I asked myself after that moment.. Absolutely! Why did

Just like the quote above tells us! You have to create stability and sufficiency. There should be a balanced flow of monetary..!
Indeed, what is your money for?! What is more important than paying for something that you need EVERYDAY.. Do you really need more income? Is this because you need something to support your lifestyle? How much do you really need to become contented?
There should be a control over the money you are earning.. You have to spend wisely. You should know how to save!
There is a big difference between WANTING MONEY and NEEDING MONEY!
There are many things in this life that we should know how to appreciate.. We should know the real meaning of contentment.
Sometimes, WE are the challenge of our OWN LIFE!! You control your own life, same goes with MONEY, you should know how to control your money!. We should know how to be contented of what we have!
REFLECT and try to apprehend...
Here's another quote that I hope you would find helpful:
“We can respond creatively to what we experience as life-depriving and become richer in spirit for having met the challenge.”
-- Tad Crawford
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Do Not Let Anger Control YOU! What Is Anger and How Do You Deal With Anger?
"Character isn’t inherited. One builds it daily by the way one thinks and acts, thought by thought, action by action. If one lets fear or hate or anger take possession of the mind, they become self-forged chains."
-- Helen Douglas
How do you show or express that you are angry to others or yourself? And, how do you deal with this emotion?
People who are afraid to express their anger, that results them to deny or hide their feelings.
While those who are expressive, they have the tendency to lack control! Most of them express their anger by hitting something or impose it to other people (friends, family, enemies and others).
Each person is unique when it comes to "Self Expression". Some would just cry, some are violent,
some would just remain quiet, some would let it go at first but is thinking of revenge and etc etc etc.
How an adult handle angers is actually based on how he or she experienced anger during childhood. This is actually a reflection of how a child have seen an adult express anger during their childhood years.
We cannot judge a person just because how they expressed their anger! This is how they learned how to deal with their anger. Instead of judging another person, try to reflect on how you deal with your own anger.
There is another saying that I would like to share:
"Too often we underestimate how quickly our feelings are going to change because we underestimate our ability to change them."
-- David Gilbert
Before we blame others for our failures and burst to anger - we have to evaluate the situation and the information that we have received. We have the ability to control our anger, it's just that sometimes we let our ANGER control us and become one sided. Aside from just listening to your own pain, try to listen to others too.
"Remember that everything happens for a reason" "A 'something' never happened without a cause".
Let the GOODNESS within you continue and never let anger control you.!
I want to end this post by saying, don't get tired to be GOOD! As long as you know you are not doing anything wrong, continue with what you are doing! Don't let anger control the "WHO YOU ARE".. Let the Goodness within you RULE and don't let other people change who and what you are! Remember, ANGER is just an emotion, so you still have the ability to change what you can do towards it. If there are people hurting you, don't think that being ANGRY and REVENGE could solve the problem. Evaluate the situation and try to control yourself, if you are right, in the end - YOU WILL WIN and WILL ALWAYS BE RIGHT!
You don't have to prove everyone anything, just continue to be YOU and with what you are doing as long as it is good and could not harm others! and once again..... DO NOT LET ANGER CONTROL YOU!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
My Weather Forecast as of January 13, 2011

I've subscribed to this life-weather forecast something and I would like to share this with everyone! :)
Dear Meilene,
It's mid-winter, and that means the flu and cold season is in full swing. While we may do our best to avoid catching a cold, there will inevitably be times when we begin to feel that familiar tickle in our throat, the dull headache and the stuffy nose that herald the onset of a cold. The best advice for getting over a cold is to take really good care of yourself as soon as you realize you are coming down with one.
Meilene, here is how you do that! The first thing is to get lots of rest. In fact, this is the most important thing you can do for your body whenever you are ill. The body needs rest to fight off invading viruses and repair the body. When you are sick, try to get at least 9 or 10 hours of rest each day. And even if for some reason you have to go to work, you will feel better and function better if you get plenty of sleep beforehand.
The next important step for fighting a cold is hydration, Meilene. Fluids, preferably water, help your body fight infection and clear away toxins. Orange juice, broth and decaffeinated herbal teas are also good hydration suggestions for countering colds. Sipping on something all day long is key to keeping your hydration levels up.
Eating well is also important, and it is one of the most ignored aspects of self-care once people get sick. Light meals with vegetables and healthy proteins are good for strengthening the body. Chicken soup is an option that many swear by for the common cold. When you add a healthy appropriate diet to your rest and increased fluids, you will be taking the optimal steps to get your body back on its feet.
Meilene, if you do happen to fall sick with a cold this winter, give my suggestions a try and I think you will most likely feel better faster. In the meantime, getting rest and eating in a healthy way on a regular basis may help you keep colds at bay this winter.
Simply Focus If You Really Want Something!

Word to live by:
“By becoming a conscious choice-maker, you begin to generate actions that are evolutionary for you.”-- Deepak Chopra
I believe that you are making your own destiny. You are the one making decisions for your self, for your own life. If you intend to do something or if you really want something, focus on achieving it.
Whatever we set in our minds actually can be only achieved if we also put power and effort unto it. Somehow, no matter how difficult it would be, as long as you have that eagerness to get what you really want, you will surely take time to pursue and achieve it.
It would also involve efficiency, determination and patience. You must support your decision sincerely and wholeheartedly.
January 13, 2011 (tada! There goes another challenge for me)
Okay, I'm in a situation right now where I need to learn FOCUS, FOCUS! Yes, I've grown as a person who always take the easiest way to get whatever I want. But this time, a real big challenge came and I have to do something with extra effort and let's say, would really need me to FOCUS. Yes! as mentioned above, we are making our own destiny and we are the one making decisions. However, making decisions isn't that easy! Most especially if you are in a situation where everyone is against and still you are eager to get that SOMETHING. Aside from that, I used to go for shortcuts when I needed something before (and of course, either with the help of my parents or other family members). This time, I couldn't take the shortcut and I have to pursue it because it's not just something (like a joke) but really serious. This is also for the betterment of my family's sake! Now, I want to learn that focus. I have this recipe in mind but it would really take a long time before I get to the GOAL!! Right now my mind wants to rush everything but! I was also advised of taking it slow. Someone told me - "RUSHING EVERYTHING will lose your personal growth and that will disable you from being focused! "
I would like to take that advice starting today ! I need to be independent and I should know how to make the right decisions in life! I need to start TODAY for tomorrow might be too late!
At least starting it means you are strong enough to make your DESTINY! :
1) Recipe - Write your ingredients so you won't forget anything ***Plan
2) Buy complete ingredients - this will give you a better preparation ***Set Goal
3) Prepare your cooking materials - everything should be in place and so you won't messed up with anything ***Put Plan into Action
4) Heat - start with moderate heat so it wouldn't burn! ***Take it slow - wait for slow results
5) Taste - once in awhile taste it so you would know that you're doing it right ***Pray
6) Follow what you have written and planned - make sure that you have the confidence to finish what you have started! ***Believe
7) Check it once in awhile - you might overdone or missed something ***Stay Focused
8) Stir it properly - make sure that everything will be cooked properly ***Be confident
9) PEPPER - You can't make life tasty without them! ***(in case of failure/ rejection along the way - don't give up, stand up and work it out!) Take it easy! You can always restart! They are just spices of your life
10) Serve with side dish (vegetables or fruits) to make it tastier! Enjoy it! ***GOAL FINALLY REACHED - Pray and thank HIM!
It doesn't sound simple but like cooking a real food, you really have to wait before everything will be cooked! :) That's it!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Quotes About Love

I want to make a little change with my post. I want to share something unique =)
I have watched a movie a month ago. It is called "My Amnesia Girl".
A lot of people said that the movie was very corny. Well, I think it really is kinda corny but I was really amazed by the lines that the stars used. It talks about love. <3
I want to share these famous lines or also called as "Hirits" in tagalong.
I will translate all lines to english in my next post, but these are the original lines. If you will use your browser translating this you may end up reading an awkward lines. So let me do the honor in transalating each line to english the right way. :)
"para kang tae, hindi kita kayang paglaruan"
"Thank you lord ha? Pandesal lang naman hiningi ko, hamburger binigay mo may fries pa. "
"Alam mo sana naging pabango ka nalang para araw araw kitang suot"
"camera ako eh, napangiti kita"
“Ulan ka ba? Kasi lupa ako. Sa ayaw at sa gusto mo, sa akin ang bagsak mo.”
“Maging cactus ka man, handa akong masaktan… mayakap ka lang.”
“May MMDA ba dito? Nagkabanggaan kasi ang puso natin.”
“May lason ba ang mga mata mo? Kasi nakakamatay ang mga titig mo.”
“Ipikit mo ang mga mata mo. Kasi sabi nila, kapag nakapikit ka, dun mo malalaman ang totoo mong nararamdaman.”
“Kung pwede lang mawala lahat ng kasalan sa pamamagitan ng yakap, habang buhay kitang yayakapin.”
“Kung ikakasal ka saan mo gusto? Ako kasi sa tabi mo.”
“Kung may uulitin ako sa buhay ko, gusto kong ulitin yung araw na nakilala kita. Kahit paulit-ulit. Kahit araw-araw.”
“Para kang alak… ang lakas ng tama mo sa akin.”
irene: ikaw ang pintura ko..
apollo: bakit?
irene: kasi kinulayan mong buhay ko..
irene: para kang dictionary
apollo: huh?
irene: kasi you give meaning to my life..
apollo:alarm clock ka ba ?
irene:bakit ?
apollo:eh kasi ginising mo ang natutulog kong puso
apollo:kandidato ka ba ?
irene:huh ? hindi
apollo:boto kasi tatay ko sayo eh
Apollo: Tumatangkad ka ba?
Irene: Hindi, bakit?
Apollo: Kasi dati hanggang balikat lang kita, ngayon nasa isip na kita.
Apollo: Bakit ba hinahanap ang isang tao?
Peachy: Kasi gusto mo siya?
Apollo: Hindi, kasi nawawala.
Irene: Bakit? Nawawala ba ‘ko?
Apollo: Hindi, pero hindi ka kasi mawala sa isip ko eh
Apollo: Bakit mo ba hinihintay ang isang tao?
Irene: Kasi takas sa bilibid?
Apollo: Hindi, kasi gusto mo siya.
Irene: Mahal kita.
Apollo: Sana pirated CD ka nalang para paulit-ulit mong sabihin ‘yan.
Irene: Mahal kita. Mahal kita. Mahal kita. Mahal kita.
Apollo: Magdala ka ng salbabida.
Irene: Bakit? Maliligo ba tayo?
Apollo: Hindi, baka malunod ka sa pagmamahal ko.
Irene: Sino ako?
Apollo: Ikaw si Irene ko. Ikaw ang mapapangasawa ko. Photographer ka.
Irene: Mali. Pulis ako. Ikaw kasi ang most wanted ko.
“sine ka ba? kasi sarap mong panoorin”
“Para kang alak… ang lakas ng tama mo sa akin.”
“Alam mo bagay sayo yang damit mo. Pero mas bagay ako sayo..”
“alam mo para kang table of contents, kasi ikaw ang topic sa bawat pahina ng buhay ko.”
Meralco ka ba?
kasi ikaw nagdala ng liwanag sa buhay ko.
para kang pustiso. . . . . .i cant smile without you
Bangin kaba?
Kc sumasabit ang puso ko sau
“Alam mo ba na pwede kitang idemanda ng trespassing? Kasi basta-basta ka na lang pumapasok sa isip ko!”
kutsarita ka buh..? kase hindi kumpleto ang kape at umaga ko pag wala ka ee…
apollo: lumabas ka ba kagabi?
irene: huh? hindi!
apollo: wala ka kasi sa panaginip ko kagabi eh..
“Sabi sa census may 11 milyon na tao sa Metro Manila. Paano mo malalaman na nahanap mo na yung taong para sa’yo? Maaring nakita mo na siya, pero yumuko ka para magsintas. Maaring nakatabi mo na siya, pero lumingon ka para tingnan ang traffic lights. Maaring nakasalubong mo na siya pero humarang yung pedicab.
May mga maswerteng tao na nahanap na yung taong para sa kanila. May mga tanong patuloy na naghahanap at may iba na sumuko na. Pero yung pinakamasaklap, eh yung na sayo na pinakawalan mo pa”
Thank for you for stopping by, please feel free to comment or add if you think I missed something.
I would be glad to hear from you..
See you.. Till my next post.
Signing off =)